Author’s commentary

I just had to create a Star Wars parody to join in on the yearly meme that takes place every May 4th to have a little fun with, well, May the fourth. As in “May the fourth be with you”, a play on the famous line in Star Wars, “May the force be with you.” I know I didn’t need to explain it but just in case 🙂

This idea first came to me on May the 4th back in maybe 2016 or 17 when I wanted to draw a Franky Banky comic after realising what day it was. It only took me about a minute or so to think of the epic scene where Darth Vader utters the famous line, “Luke, I am your father”, as the basis for my parody.

And tying it with the common annoyance of people trying to finish our sentences. Their intentions may be good, but we don’t need help saying what we want to say. And lots of times people incorrectly guess our words.

Plus, it’s rude to interrupt regardless of stuttering. That said, some people just don’t know what they don’t know. No need to be rude back. That’s why I like using humour to spread stuttering awareness. Humour brings people together.

May 4, 2023

Daniele Rossi's artistic signature
An illustration of the author standing next to a pile of sketchbooks. Franky Banky is sitting on top reading one of the books. Ti-Ger is sneaking around the bottom.
Book cover with an illustration of Franky Banky talking on the phone

More Franky Banky in
Stuttering is Cool: A Guide to Stuttering in a Fast-Talking World!

Tips and comics about reducing fears towards stuttering in everyday situations such as job interviews, dating, and more! Learn more on the Stuttering is Cool website.

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